nAg-iisaNg aKu. :)

My photo
Mati, Philippines
dNt jUdge me, u dNt kNow wT f iV bin tRu..iv hAd mOr dRama tHanuv sEen on tV, iv had mOr gRls tok abOut mE, thAn u Can cOunt oN bOth hAnds. i hAve mY prOblems, aNd uR SYMPATHY is nOt nEEdEd, cUz i cAn hAndle sHit oN my oWn. ►i rUn my mOuth, dNt aCk liKe u Dont.. ►i bAck mY sHit uP, dNt pRetEnd LyK u dO. iF i'm "MEAN", thEn uR jUz a "sissy". ►dOnt thReaten me, dEn bAck Out! ►dOnt INSULT me & eXpect mE tO do d sAme.. no dUmb bitches,stop using d same old excuse of ME.. "juZ jEaLous" i Jus dOnt Like yOu! believe it ►U biTches dOnt hAve shit! so stop flattering uRseLf! bOys cOme & go! i Refuse 2 fYt anY bOy! so STOP competing wit me! iF u dOnt lYk mE, tAke a dAmn nUmber! i REMEMBER faces.. d WOrds that wER sAid, aNd thE hiTs thAt wEre cLaimed, sO hOld yOur mOtherFuckin BREATH everytime u sEE me.. aNd prAy thAt iTs not pAyback tiMe.. ive bEen fUck ovEr and fUCKED up! ive kicked ass! and have gotten my ass kicked! i deal with it!! AND I AM READY FOR MORE!!

aNg sUsunod. :)

mGa bLOg aRcheive.:)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why I Choose Software Engineering?

Software Engineering. Software engineering plays a major role being the backbone of software systems by applying technologies and practices not only technically from computer science and engineering, but also with management issues such as management issues (project management) , plus the application and other fields. Why choose this course? Software Engineering must be taken up not only to fill all the subjects in Information Technology but to build an existing high level knowledge about software engineering with advance graduate degree. We get the oppurtunity to explore the areas of softwares.

  • Skills. We can gain skills in project management and team working through a group based project and independent research skills that will develop our knowledge and understanding. We could also develop good understanding the principles of modern software engineering.

Course Benefits. This course may enable us to identify softwares and it's component. Describe the unique characteristics of software and differetiate it from those hardware. And we can identify what software is and its content.

In software engineering we'll understand how to build a high quality software products. It is important to understand the characteristics of software in comparisson to hardware, so that we will know the knowledge of the two.


James14 said...

Are you the one who really made it? woah! It seems good as it appears.But i just have little doubts... just a little.

Sam Antonio said...

A nice comment from yours. since you have come with simple idea of how important software engineering is.
Hopefully you will be more determined to study this subject and more power.

Jigger Ferrer said...

A nice and very inspirational idea you have!!! I am really amaze of your thinking skills... hope you'll do good in class and not just fool around... cause you are good.....>>>>>

kate said...

...bie..pag xure..

share ideas beh..

don't have assignment...

hope it's not copy-paste...

dyanjoyce said...

im sort of impressed..

keep it up!=)